Our treatment is based on the following beliefs and principles:
- The goal for our clients is to abstain from all substances of abuse, and if preferable to the patient, to eventually taper off of Methadone.
- Methadone is an available tool in your treatment process to reduce your urge to use illicit opiates. Clinical services that are crucial to successful recovery from addiction include individual and group counseling sessions. Counseling can provide skills needed to prevent relapse, change lifestyles, reduce risks, improve health, and build new healthy relationships as your recovery progresses.
- Each client will be treated with respect and dignity. We expect that staff will be treated with the same respect. Clients need to work with their counselors to make informed decisions about their treatment needs, plans, and goals. Positive changes will be supported, recognized, and encouraged. We realize that successful abstinence and recovery from addiction requires treating the whole person.
- No single treatment is appropriate for all individuals. Many clients may benefit from 12-Step programs and outside support groups, while others may respond to various behavioral therapies. Treatment should build on client strengths and preferences.
- We strive to provide excellent client services and we value your input. You may submit your concerns and/or suggestions at any time to the Director of Client Services or other SMC RECOVERY team members. Suggestion boxes are also placed within our facilities.
- Recovery from addiction can be a long-term process which may require treatment changes, medical and counselor interventions and in some instances, involuntary taper and suspension of Methadone services.
- Our purpose is not only to point you in the direction of freedom and health but also to ensure that you have the proper tools for successful management of your condition.